Friday, March 9, 2007

Rays of light

Rays of light emanated from Moshe Rabeinu's face/forehead. Where did they come from? In one opinion of the medrash, a drop of ink was left over from ksivas sefer torah. Hashem wiped this on Moshe's forehead and....voila! What does this mean? The Or Hachaim Hakadosh asks surely Hashem knows how much ink is needed? and answers that..Moshe had to write that he was humbler than anyone on the face of the earth, and could not bring himself its completeness..and therefore wrote the word 'chaser', (instead of ayin-nun-yud-vav, left out the yud). that accounts for the extra drop of ink and is the ultimate prototype of 'boraech min hakavod', one who flees honour, has it chase and catch up with him.
They say of one of the great mashgichim of Europe (think it was Alter of Slobodka), that he said that his ambition was to go through life making as little an impression as possible. Compare that with our current pop icons!
Such is the case in the 'kavanos ha-Blog'.
Are we trying to make an impression or vent (might be therapeutic) or add something good to the world....

Friday, March 2, 2007


The table- red and royal. Extravagant. The menu- perfectly beautiful, delicious, yet practical
(most guests will be too drunk to appreciate anything complex)
Mishloach Manos- inexpensive yet tasteful...
My family all made up sweet and lovely..
My child, so delighted with the pantomime, the perfect dream-like fantasy of today
Watch his face, his eyes when he takes it all in
The colours, the children, the streets of Yeruhalayim are so bright
Feel the goodness, the giving..
Put smiles on people's faces..
Can you?
Use all your energy- physical, emotional- your creativity, to create a day so joyous and free
Can you relax, let go, invite them all in, and sit and watch and enjoy
Discover the beauty of truth in release, inhibitions dissolved, appearances set aside
Be brave, be yourself. Fell full, feel free, feel confident to enjoy...
Can you relinquish all expectation, and simply welcome all that happens today
A mitzvah of feasting, celebrating, partying. A holiday steeped in mystery- and revelation.
A holiday so suited to today.
Dark, disconnected days- but we know its meaning is simple hidden
For now
Purim has always been my favourite..
When I finally feel peace, harmony, symmetry
In the seeming chaos, and lack of order.
From the past, to the future
Just one day
Fall into it
Let go
Experience it fully


Monday, February 12, 2007

The Dude

This was the title of a Time mag article describing Rick Rubin, 43 years old, a big, affable, laid-back, big-bearded guy described as a ZZTop type, he's riding a major wave of success. He is currently the biggest-by-far producer of hit albums in the world including almost everyone who's hit it big lately and includes a number of artists and groups whose work I am totally unfamiliar with. He's almost a cert to win the Grammy for Best Producer.

I love reading success stories, but when the guy seems like a truly nice guy, I like it even better. More than that, this is a guy who has a different style! While some others will pressure artists to perform even at 'gun-point' (believe it or not!), Rubin believes in approaching things from the entirely human point of view. He talks to his artists, believes in them, treats them as he would any human being and says,
'I don't see what's so difficult about this job'!
What does it entail after all?!
Making sure that very talented people produce what they do best!
Aha! Therein lies the secret. His genius....managing people....
They're all just people, with insecurities and baggage and all kind of stuff (especially these artists, can you just imagine!) They need encouragement, a sympathetic ear, a genuine interest in who they are and what they have to offer.
And so with the education of our children and so with our employees, co-workers, employers, students and even so with our spouses. Are you listening? Are you showing respect? Are you being considerate of where they're coming from?
That's how we manage people, children, friends and family...
3 cheers to him and may he go from strength to strength and make lots of money...and us too.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Speak no evil....

In this age of Blogging, where everyone has an opinion and gets to stand on his soapbox without so much as walk to the park, there's something that we should remember....

'Not everything that you think, need you say..

not everything that you say, need be written...

not all that is written should be printed...

and not all that is printed should be read....'

(ascribed to Rav Yisroel Salanter)

Friday, February 2, 2007

Over Spilt Milk

Rabbi Dr Abraham Twerski, in his book 'Generation to Generation' tells a great 'vort' that he heard from his father. Why is there a minhag to eat 'farfel' on a friday night? From the yiddishe word 'verfalen', which is 'fallen' or 'lost', as in 'too bad, lets move on'. As you know from me, one of my favorite expressions, 'veiter!'; 'lets move forward! Onward Jewish soldiers!'.

Why on a Friday night? Because we are supposed to view the world then as complete, done, all work for the world completed, and happy with the lot that Hashem has placed upon us....and so we say 'what was, was; if there was a loss or disappointment during the week...veiter!'

Like the Serenity prayer, 'lets fix and address what can be fixed, leave well alone that which is beyond us & of course, the wisdom and insight to decide the difference between them'.

Gut Shabis
Luv u

Thursday, February 1, 2007


[I found this picture after I wrote this post. I didn't mean to be so INTENSE! But isn't it a fantastic pic??]

Abba. That is the best definition for the word Tiferes that I ever heard. I'm somewhat obsessed with the definitions of words- especially "Hebrew Terms". English is what we speak and what speaks to us!
I think that's why I (and you, maybe) make fun (or scream about!) those fefrrrumte folk we all know! Because somewhere inside us, we're not sure if anybody truly knows what these words mean...?
Emes Sheker Yetzer Tov Yetzer Hora Tznius Anova Gevura Baal Teshuva Chassidishe Litvishe Heimishe Yiddishe Gevaldige Meshiganneh!

In any event, I just remembered one of my favourite things I ever heard you say ( although I have many many favourites) which is that-
The definition of Emunah is Awareness
I think about it all time. It's the only thing that ever helped me to understand what Emunah means.
Abba have a good Shabbos!


RB, I've been thinking about it....I'll tell you what exactly you're supposed to do with all that free time....answer is....anything you long as its of the utmost Dignity.

Great word that; connotes a quality of spirit; Tiferes.

If a man can live that, he is living an existence of supreme quality and all of his thoughts and actions are elevated...

love you
