Why on a Friday night? Because we are supposed to view the world then as complete, done, all work for the world completed, and happy with the lot that Hashem has placed upon us....and so we say 'what was, was; if there was a loss or disappointment during the week...veiter!'
Like the Serenity prayer, 'lets fix and address what can be fixed, leave well alone that which is beyond us & of course, the wisdom and insight to decide the difference between them'.
Gut Shabis
Luv u
Abba. I loved Rip van Winkel :) And Verfalen too! Thank you..
Have a good Shabbos!
So you feel a good under the rug sweep helps?
After all most issues go away on their own anyway.
Dude...like him or not, a good vort is a good vort....
Yingerman...I dont think the intention is to sweep under the rug.. if it can be swept under the rug, its in the category of something can still be done about it...
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