Hi Daughter
my thoughts on the subject go something like this....
We have too much leisure time on our hands. This goes without saying. In the 'heim' there was a lot of abject poverty. The husband was scratching around for work or trying to fulfill the complement due the 'porutz'. The wife was milking the cow and cleaning the house and looking after the kids, etc (she always has more to do...).
They were both trying to avoid the next marauding cossack and therefore she was relieved to have a live husband with all limbs intact at the end of the day. No time for speculation over here....I should have married the other guy/girl is one of the most oft-quoted or thought catch-phrases of the 20/21 century....
Generally, Big Mistake....
Firstly, who knows, might be the same or a lot worse.
Secondly, the change entails enormous baggage (especially if there are kids involved).
Thirdly, G-d chose for me. Don't interfere with the plot unless you have extremely good cause to do so.
More on this another time.
Catch you later.