Yes, I agree very much- What should we do with all this time on our hands?? I think it is especially true for women in general, and for me in particular. Men always have a mitzva to be learning... and women? Well, there's the husband and the kids, shopping, cleaning, cooking, laundry... it never ends. For many women, especially in Israel, it's challenging enough to keep up with all this.
(Adding in a couple of shiurim, some shidduch work- not sure what else they do! Neshei projects?!)
But. Truthfully, keeping house does not have to be so over-whelming- it certainly is not for me!
Not a full-time job, and not 100% fulfilling either.
(Adding in a couple of shiurim, some shidduch work- not sure what else they do! Neshei projects?!)
But. Truthfully, keeping house does not have to be so over-whelming- it certainly is not for me!
Not a full-time job, and not 100% fulfilling either.
So what to do with:
a. brains in our heads
b. feet in our shoes
c. time on our hands!!!